Friday, August 15, 2008

A big thank you to Brother Sleppy and Brother Rushton for setting up that awesome water slide for our activity this week. I think its safe to say that a good time was had by all.
hmmm...even with all that soap..everyone came out FILTHY.
The girls...

Brother Sleppy, Bishop and Brother Rushton
Father and daughter, Larena and Brother Rushton. Larena looks a little reluctant to take this slide. She was having a rough time getting herself all the way down the slide without getting stuck in the middle of it. Dad decided to help her out and 'pull' her to the bottom with him.
Nice tan Brother Sleppy
When we were almost through sliding, Brother Sleppy noticed this arrow in about the middle of the slide saying turn here with the big arrow pointing to the bottom of the hill.

Monday, August 11, 2008

WaTeR SliDe !!!

The water slide activity is finally coming. We will slide on Wednesday this week. Due to various sports camps and practices, we will be starting the activity at 5:00 pm this week. We will meet at the church at 4:45 and then travel to the ball park for the big slide. Please make sure that you are on time so that we can leave promptly and head to the park. Make sure that you bring the necessary items like your towel and some modest clothes that can get wet and dirty. You may want to bring along some goggles if you prefer not to have soap and water in your eyes. We look forward to see everyone there, it is going to be A LOT of fun.

BuBbLe GuM

We played a fun Personal Progress Bubble Gum game last week for our activity to help the girls decide on a value to work on for the follow week. Sister Noel read a couple of situations for each question. The color of bubble gum that they got to choose depended on the situation that they chose that they would rather do. At the end, the color of bubble gum that they had the least of, that was the value that they had to choose a goal to work on out of in their books. The girls all had a good time and much laughing was involved.

(Maddie, Amanda, Megan trying to avoid the camera and EriAnn)
(Nancy, Abbie,Jessica, Emily and Maddie)
...this is what too much bubble gum does to Maddie...

Slide Show