Friday, September 26, 2008

Church Cleaning

Remember, it is our turn to clean the church tomorrow. Please meet at the church at 8:00 AM tomorrow morning. The bigger the group we have show up, the faster it will go. Sister Beaumont is bringing breakfast which promises to be DELICIOUS. See you all in the morning.


We finally got to have our Archery Night. Thank you so much to Sister Hillius for getting it all set up. And a big Thank You to Bishop Cliff Hughes for coming out and giving the girls a little mini class on handling and firing the bows and arrows. The girls all had a great time and most everyone was able to land at least one arrow in the yellow circle.
Sister Maxfield
Sister Noel
- everyone -
Nancy, Abbie, EriAnn and Megan
Brittney and Nancy

YW ReTrEaT 2008

On September 19th and 20th we held our first YW Retreat. We (Young Women's Presidency) took 7 of our girls from our Young Womens (the other 6 were unable to attend and we missed them) to my mom's cabin for the night. We left Mesquite on Friday afternoon and travelled to the cabin. Stopped in Cedar City to eat and then headed up the canyon to the cabin which is located on the other side of Cedar Mountain. The girls had a great time. They laughed, played games, sang and danced and stayed up REALLY late. We got up the next morning, made breakfast, hung out for a little bit and then cleaned up and headed for home. It was really great to have a little get away with the girls and watch them all have so much fun with each other. We are hoping to be able to make this an anual event for our Young Women's calendar. Thanks Mom for letting us borrow the cabin for the night.

Sister Hillius playing the game Curses
Nancy and EriAnn modeling for everyone
Jessica with her run way pose
Sister Noel trying to win the Chubby Bunny contest
Amanda, another Chubby Bunny contestant
Jessica at her attempt in triumph at Chubby Bunny
Brittney - Chubby Bunny CHAMPION
Sister Maxfield displaying her 'Curses' during the game of Curses.

Friday, August 15, 2008

A big thank you to Brother Sleppy and Brother Rushton for setting up that awesome water slide for our activity this week. I think its safe to say that a good time was had by all.
hmmm...even with all that soap..everyone came out FILTHY.
The girls...

Brother Sleppy, Bishop and Brother Rushton
Father and daughter, Larena and Brother Rushton. Larena looks a little reluctant to take this slide. She was having a rough time getting herself all the way down the slide without getting stuck in the middle of it. Dad decided to help her out and 'pull' her to the bottom with him.
Nice tan Brother Sleppy
When we were almost through sliding, Brother Sleppy noticed this arrow in about the middle of the slide saying turn here with the big arrow pointing to the bottom of the hill.

Monday, August 11, 2008

WaTeR SliDe !!!

The water slide activity is finally coming. We will slide on Wednesday this week. Due to various sports camps and practices, we will be starting the activity at 5:00 pm this week. We will meet at the church at 4:45 and then travel to the ball park for the big slide. Please make sure that you are on time so that we can leave promptly and head to the park. Make sure that you bring the necessary items like your towel and some modest clothes that can get wet and dirty. You may want to bring along some goggles if you prefer not to have soap and water in your eyes. We look forward to see everyone there, it is going to be A LOT of fun.

BuBbLe GuM

We played a fun Personal Progress Bubble Gum game last week for our activity to help the girls decide on a value to work on for the follow week. Sister Noel read a couple of situations for each question. The color of bubble gum that they got to choose depended on the situation that they chose that they would rather do. At the end, the color of bubble gum that they had the least of, that was the value that they had to choose a goal to work on out of in their books. The girls all had a good time and much laughing was involved.

(Maddie, Amanda, Megan trying to avoid the camera and EriAnn)
(Nancy, Abbie,Jessica, Emily and Maddie)
...this is what too much bubble gum does to Maddie...

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Wednesday night we are having individual class activities...Laurel and Mia Maids will be combining! We are going to make quote book so if you have any fave quotes or things...please make enough to come and share with all of us!! YOu can also go to and type in quotes to find some!! It will be great fun!! See you all there!!!

Thursday, July 24, 2008

BowLiNg NiGhT

Thank you so much Sister Maxfield for an awesome Bowling Birthday Party activity. I think everyone had tons of fun and the BaSkIn RobBiNs was AMAZING...

-the shoes-
Nancy, Larena, Abbie, Sister Noel, Sister Maxfield, Jessica, Emily, Amanda, Maddison, Megan and Katie (in front)

MoRe GirLs CaMp VidEoS

Here are a couple more little videos for you. I am still working on one more that involves Sister Noel and the water slide. I can't get it to load for some reason. But, I will keep trying...

Sister Noel on the zip line. Good job Janeece, not even one little scream from you on this one.

Sister Hillius testing out the zip line.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Just a reminder: We will be meeting on Wednesday night at 6 pm, not 6:30. We will be going bowling at the Virgin River, then on to Baskin Robbins! See you all soon!

P.S. Great pictures and videos from camp. Looks like I missed a lot of fun! computer isn't cooperating and wouldn't let me load another video on that last post. Here are some more...

Monday, July 21, 2008

GirLs CaMp VidEoS...

As promised, here are all of the little videos that I took of the various events at Girls Camp. I didn't participate in a lot of the fun activities so I became the official camera person in charge of documenting all the excitement. And, in turn, got some really good footage of our girls (and leaders) enjoying themselves at camp.

WaTeR SliDe FuN

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Maddie was our Queen of steal the flag!! If you couldn't find her wait a minute and she would return to camp with someone's flag!! Here she is after an easy victory if stealing the coveted Stake Flag!! Way to go are awesome!!!
Rachel being silly!! Doesn't she look just adorable in those goggles? Love ya RC!!!!
TO get our flag back we had to build a pyriamid...actually two of batteries died so I only got one of them. It was fun trying to think of ways for the camps to earn their flags back!!
Sorry not sure who this is...just know that they are one of us! The zipline was another favorite activity of the girls!! There is nothing like flying through the air on a wire with just a harness holding you to it!!
Another one of our archery angels Nancy. She was excited to have hit the red of the bullseye...WAY TO GO NANCY!!!

ArcHerY AngElS!

We had a great time learning how to do archery under the intsruction of Bishop Hughes!! He was a great teacher (hahaha) and taught us well seeing as how most of the girls at least hit the target...some even got right in the center bullseye...WAY TO GO!!!! Here are a few of our sharp shooters!!!
Larena hit the bullseye on her very first try...way to go Larena!!! You are awesome!!
Megan or "Hiawatha 4" as Bishop Hughes called her with her bullseye!!
Abbie also landed a bullseye!! Good Shot!!!

Amanda and her bullseye!! The girl's had so much fun that they decided that they want to have ab activity on archery and then invite the YM to a contest to see who is a better shot...get practicing YM, these girls are good!!!!

Larena, Rachel and Nancy at the shooting range. For girls they are a pretty dang good shot!!!
Sister Hillius waiting for the all clear to load up and start shooting!!
Amanda and Megan taking their turns with the 22's.
Abbie, Maddie and Sister Beaumont getting last minute instruction from President Jensen.
Sister Beaumont...ready...aim...FIRE!!!

One of the first things we did at camp was to play a get to know you game with our sister ward...Mesquite 2nd! It was lots of fun! We learned that almost everyone there was a "Twilight" fan!! We learned lots of fun about ALL the girls!!Here are a few pics of the girls playing the get to know you game. Ashlynn telling everyon who she didn't like...silly girl...we like everyone!!!
Abbie telling us about her dog Tribble and how she loves to play basketball!!
Rachel, Emily, Amanda and I had the oppurtunity to go up a day before everyone and learn how to be good leaders, dig the water slide trench and sleep on the cement in the rain!! Above Rachel is taking a break from digging to pose for snap happy Sister Noel!!
Amanda in the cookie cutter game... a game of trust! I was so proud that all of my 3 that went up early participated!! It was scary putting your trust in others...especailly ones you don't know...but they did it!! GOOD JOB LADIES!!!
Emily working hard on the trench! We felt kind of like a chain gang at times, but the result was sooooo fun!! Hopefully that will be a yearly thing at girls camp...wahoo!!!

Slide Show